老龚: a colored woman back in the 60's, you have to earn dignity with all your strength and intelligence, your hard work and accurate precise calculation, contribution to the career, I'm not a racist, I love women with beauty minds, and the music in this movie is NOT BAD at all.
向秋多吉:给一万颗星都不为过一部伟大的动画一个时代的落幕想到以后再也看不见他们我就想哭想到最后只有BMO在世界上陈乔恩 睾丸甚至记不得Finn的名字我就想哭想到我MPB最后那个吻我哭着哭着又笑了
哼你才是江湖骗子:未婚夫跑路奶奶有段抱憾终生的跨国恋陈乔恩 睾丸喜欢上的男人为了孩子画地为牢乍一听这不就是琼瑶小说里车载斗量的故事吗可是话说回来失恋的人在这部片儿里能找到治愈爱着的人也有共鸣更何况还有很多戳萌点笑点的小细节看这么个故事挺满足
momo茶茶: is afraid to admit what a big part luck plays